
Airbus Beluga: Meet the World's Most Bizarre Aeroplane

Leading aircraft manufacturer Airbus recently introduced one of the world's most eccentric airplanes, called "Beluga", in the French city of Toulose. The cargo aircraft owes its name to its resemblance to the white Arctic whale. Jan 20, 2014

Iraqi forces bomb Anbar militants after attacks

A video released by the Iraqi Ministry of Defence showed aircraft bombings targets in the Anbar desert after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki reversed a decision to withdraw soldiers from cities in the trouble Sunni Arab province. Duration: 00:36 Jan 2, 2014

Aircraft makes emergency landing on highway in MP due to wind direction change

Betul, Dec 31 (ANI): A private plane in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh made an emergency landing on a national highway on Tuesday, following risk of accident due to change in the wind direction. After the plane took off, the strong winds went in the opposite direction and forced the pilot to land on the highway. Dec 31, 2013