
Boeing says multiple countries join efforts to locate Malaysian missing plane

Hyderabad, Mar 13 (ANI): A Senior Boeing official allayed concerns over the safety of their planes amid the mystery surrounding the fate of the missing Malaysian jetliner, saying they had also joined the global search operation covering an area stretching from China to the Andaman Sea. Five days after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared from civilian radar screens, a huge international search operation has failed to turn up a trace of the Boeing jetliner that was carrying 239 passengers and crew. Senior Vice President, Sales, for Asia Pacific at Boeing, Dinesh Keskar said he would not like to speculate on what could have possibly happened to the missing plane, saying that would be unfair to the families of the passengers on board the vanished aircraft. Mar 13, 2014

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

The search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 entered its fourth day on Tuesday. The Boeing 777 aircraft travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared from radar over the South China Sea early Saturday with 239 people on board. VIDEOGRAPHIC Mar 12, 2014

Prayers & support pours in from sand till sky for missing Malaysian flight

Puri, March 11 (ANI): Internationally acclaimed Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik created a sand sculpture of the missing Malaysian airliner as he prayed for the lives of 239 passengers who were aboard the plane that went missing near South China sea. The disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner is an “unprecedented aviation mystery”, with a massive air and sea search now in its third day failing to find any confirmed trace of the plane or the people aboard. Dozens of ships and aircraft from 10 countries scoured the seas around Malaysia and south of Vietnam for the search operation with China deploying almost 10 satellites to help in the massive air and sea search for the fight, sources said. Mar 11, 2014