
Missing plane to hurt Malaysia tourism from China

Mumbai, March 18 (ANI): Malaysia Tourism said on Tuesday that the missing jetliner would hit the lucrative tourism trade from China although normalcy resumed from other sectors. China accounts for 12 percent of tourists to Malaysia, excluding those from neighbouring Singapore. The airline and the Malaysian government have faced demands to speed up their hunt for the plane from China, home to two-thirds of those on the aircraft. The Director General, Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, Dato Mirza Mohammad Taiyab, who was speaking at a news conference in Mumbai, said that the travellers will overcome the sense of fear. No trace of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been found since it vanished on March 08 with 239 people aboard. Investigators are increasingly convinced it was diverted perhaps thousands of miles off course by someone with deep knowledge of the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial navigation. Mar 18, 2014

China is searching for Malaysian jet inside its territory

China says it is searching for the missing MH370 jet inside its own territory. Meanwhile, desperate relatives of Chinese passengers threaten to go on hunger strike as they demand answers about the missing aircraft. Duration: 01:11 Mar 18, 2014

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

More than a week after a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet vanished, a clearer picture is emerging of the events leading up to and immediately after its disappearance. The Boeing 777 aircraft travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing slipped off radar early on March 8th, 2014, with 239 people on board. VIDEOGRAPHIC Mar 18, 2014

Malaysian PM confirms missing plane 'deliberately' led off course

Kuala Lumpur, Mar 15 (ANI): Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Saturday that no conclusive evidence shows missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is hijacked. He added there is a high degree of certainty that the communication device aboard the plane was disabled and its movement showed deliberate action. But the Boeing 777-200 aircraft did turn back from its last known location on civilian radar, and the signal the Malaysian military radar picked up at the north of the Strait of Malacca was from the missing plane, he added. Mar 15, 2014