Keep calm and negotiate: EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier unveils timetable

Keep calm and negotiate: EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier unveils timetable

The EUs chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has said that his team are ready to start negotiations with the UK when Article 50 is triggered. The French politician wants a orderly withdrawal and has so far visited 18 of the 28 EU nations ahead of the talks. He said he expected formal negotiations to last less than 18 months. Dec 6, 2016
Donald Trump to meet the leaders of tech world

Donald Trump attacks China in Twitter tirade

US President-elect Donald trump has criticised China over its monetary policy and operations in the South China Sea. Posted on social media platform Twitter, the attacks came after he angered China by speaking to the President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen. Taiwan sees itself as an independent state but Beijing considers it as a breakaway province. The US cut off diplomatic relations to Taiwan in 1979, recognising Beijing’s claim. Dec 5, 2016