
Late Motherhood improves Life Expectancy

In a study reported in Menopause: the Journal of the North American Menopause Society, women who had their last baby after age 33 achieved considerable improvement in lifespan than mothers who gave birth by age 30. Jun 26, 2014

Food for Men

Men are different from women in all kinds of ways -- including their nutritional needs. A healthy diet and regular physical activity can help prevent heart disease and cancer, the No. 1 and No. 2 killers for men over 35. They can also enhance performance, from the board room to the bedroom. Here are the top 7 foods from nature, to improving health A Ventuno Production: Jun 23, 2014
Ancient Parasite Uncovered from Burial Site in Syria (Representational Image) [Wikimedia Commons/Bildspende von D. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa]

Ancient Parasite Uncovered from Burial Site in Syria

Scientists have unearthed some primitive human parasite infection from Syria. The parasite was found in ancient burial site in Syria. The eggs of the parasite that is known to infect people even today, was also found close to the burial site of a child who is believed to have lived about 6,200 years ago in an primitive farming community. Jun 21, 2014