Journalist arrested for trying to question Health Secretary Tom Price

Journalist arrested for trying to question Health Secretary Tom Price

A journalist was arrested apparently for trying to question Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price at a meeting in West Virginias Capitol on 9 May. Public News Service journalist Dan Heyman said he was arrested for asking Price and White House special counsel Kellyanne Conway if domestic violence would be classed as a pre-existing condition under the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Police charged Heyman with wilful disruption of governmental processes and allege that the reporter was aggressively breaching the Secret Service agents and was causing a disturbance by yelling questions. May 10, 2017
Journalist arrested for trying to question Health Secretary Tom Price

Journalist arrested for trying to question Health Secretary Tom Price

A journalist was arrested apparently for trying to question Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price at a meeting in West Virginias Capitol on 9 May. Public News Service journalist Dan Heyman said he was arrested for asking Price and White House special counsel Kellyanne Conway if domestic violence would be classed as a pre-existing condition under the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Police charged Heyman with wilful disruption of governmental processes and allege that the reporter was aggressively breaching the Secret Service agents and was causing a disturbance by yelling questions. May 10, 2017