Mysterious Line across earth

Earth's crust is shaking less as people stay home

Efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus mean that the planet itself is moving a little less, which could "allow detectors to spot smaller earthquakes and boost efforts to monitor volcanic activity and other seismic events". Apr 6, 2020
US jobs

Coronavirus impact: How the Covid-19 job cuts played out in the US

In all, 701,000 jobs were reported lost last month, the Labor Department said on Friday, but even that massive number - the largest since the financial crisis 11 years ago - did not capture the true depth of the losses because the monthly survey was conducted too early in March. Apr 5, 2020
GDP Growth graph

Questioning accuracy of India's GDP growth rate projections: Should you believe the numbers?

Bringing to your notice, the government has reduced the base to show higher GDP growth rate under the Modi government leadership in the recent past. As recently, KPMG also released a Covid-19 impact report on the Indian economy taking into account, perhaps the inaccurate numbers released by MOSPI through time as the base. We question the GDP calculation methodologies established and fundamentals in place, to understand if the growth numbers projected are accurate or not. Apr 4, 2020