
Resolute Putin Swamped by World Leaders On Syria Stance; Russia Gets Increasingly Isolated in G8 Meeting

When someone is pressed unanimously from all directions by most powerful leaders of the world on one issue, even the most courageous human could have buckled under their way. The same cannot, however, be said about Russian President Vladimir Putin who chose to remain adamant on supporting Syria's government even when he knows that he is increasingly getting isolated on the issue. No reason or rhyme seems to deter his belief that President Bashar al-Assad has done nothing wrong. Jun 18, 2013

Spying Trends: First US And Now UK; How Do Big Economic Powers Justify Arbitrary Hackings?

Even when the much-sensationalised hacking of American phone records and internet data by the National Security Agency (NSA) had still not waned in the spiralling wave of discussions related to boundaries in intelligence surveillance, British newspaper The Guardian has put the UK government into trouble saying they were the culprit of even higher-profile hackings into delegates' phones at the G20 summit in 2009. Jun 17, 2013