
War against virus: The new nightingales of India, lighting the lamp of hope

From developing India's first test kit for COVID-19, to despatching life-saving medicines in remote areas, and from chalking out strategies for the govt to tackle the spread of the virus to building treatment protocols, women from various walks of life burn the midnight oil to counter the virus. Apr 10, 2020

Anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine can leave Covid-19 patients seriously damaged

With President Trump's announcement in the White House that hydroxychloroquine "will not kill anybody," the potential drug saw an upsurge in global demand and the export ban was soon lifted on India. However, little attention was drawn on why the FDA does not recommend prolonged use of hydroxychloroquine for treating malaria. With no real evidence and clinical trials underway, let's understand the side effects of antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine first. Apr 8, 2020