South Korean plane returns to Cebu after flying with open door

A South Korean passenger plane on 3 January took off and flew with its front door not properly sealed, local media said, and was forced to return to Cebu from where the flight had originated. Video filmed inside the aircraft showed a gap between the door and the door frame making a strange noise. Jan 5, 2016

Syria: Video shows devastating aftermath of helicopter air strikes

Video uploaded to social media on 29 December appeared to show the aftermath of heavy artillery shelling in Damascus and aerial barrel bombing in Homs. Footage apparently recorded in rebel-held Douma in Rif Dimashq showed injured children being rescued by civil defence workers as another explosion took place. UK-based monitoring group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said there were four Russian air strikes in the province but no reports of losses, with regime forces bombarding areas of Daraya as clashes between regime forces and Islamic battalions in the area continued. Dec 30, 2015