First male orangutan born in Smithsonians National Zoo in 25 years

The Smithsonians National Zoo, Washington D.C., welcomed its first male orangutan baby in 25 years. The Bornean orangutan was born on 12 September to 19-year-old female Batang and male Kyle, who bred in January following the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Species Survival Plan. The IUCN considers Bornean orangutans “critically endangered”. Sep 14, 2016

Giant pandas are no longer endangered but eastern gorillas are

Thanks to an increase in available habitat, the population of the giant panda rose 17% from 2004 to 2014 and they are no longer considered endangered, and their status has been changed to vulnerable. The eastern gorilla however is now critically endangered. The shocking collapse of Grauer’s gorilla numbers is due to illegal hunting and civil unrest. The change in status means four of six great apes are critically endangered: the eastern gorilla, western gorilla, Bornean orangutan and Sumatran orangutan. Sep 5, 2016

New research shows dwarf planet has evidence of geological processes

A huge ice volcano has been discovered on Ceres, the dwarf planet that sits between Mars and Jupiter. Using imaging data from Nasa’s Dawn spacecraft, a team of scientists say they have found a 4km high cryovolcano formation, which has been dubbed Ahuna Mons. Sep 1, 2016

Extraterrestrial radio signals investigated

A curious radio signal picked up by a Russian telescope is probably not a transmission from an extraterrestrial civilisation, but astronomers in California are taking a second look anyway, the SETI Institute said. A group of Russian astronomers last year detected what appeared to be a non-naturally occurring radio signal in the general location of a star system 94 light-years from Earth. SETI astronomers have spent the last two nights using an array of radio telescopes in California to study the suspect star, HD 164595, which has one known planet in orbit. Aug 31, 2016

The evolution of Virat Kohli

Virat Kohli is the biggest superstar in cricket today. We at IBTimes UK look at his journey from a chubby teenager to Indias pride. Aug 26, 2016