China planning $1.5bn theme park that will take visitors to space in weather balloons

A large Chinese entrepreneurial investor is keen to get the jump on Virgin Galactic and launch trips to the edge of space using weather balloons from China. KuangChi Science has announced plans to invest ¥10m (yuan - $1.5m, £1.12m) into developing a futuristic theme park in Hangzhou province called Future Valley, which comes with a series of rides aiming to let people experience what it would feel like to be an astronaut in space. Sep 7, 2016

Chinas territorial disputes explained

China is embroiled in multiple territorial disputes with its neighbours both over land sea. The country contests ownership of islands in the South China Sea against Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam. There is also a long-running fued between China and Japan over Senkaku/ Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea. In the west of the country China and India fought a war over a swathe of disputed Himalayan border in 1962 and even in 2016 the spat continues to provoke fiery exchanges between Asia’s two biggest super-powers. Sep 7, 2016