Activists report white phosphorus attacks on Aleppo

Activists have reported the use of white phosphorus being used on rebel-held areas on Aleppo City, Syria, on 22 September. It has not been independently verified that white phosphorus was used but the video shows the sky being lit up and residents reported an attack with fires after the bombing, suggesting that some incendiary may have been used. If white phosphorus lands on a persons skin it can burn right through the flesh to the bone. Sep 23, 2016

Syrian White Helmets rescue workers show devastation of strike on UN aid convoy

The Syrian Civil Defense responded to an inter-agency aid convoy, operated by the United Nations and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, that was destroyed by an air strike in Aleppo on 19 September. The Syrian Civil Defense claim it was a regime helicopter that dropped four barrel bombs on the convoy that was filled with medicine, food and nappies for civilians. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it was not clear if the attack was carried out by Syria or Russia. Sep 20, 2016