Virtual reality system developed for first ever head transplant patient

Virtual reality system developed for first ever head transplant patient

This video shows a virtual reality developed to help Valery Spiridonov – a Russian man suffering from Werdnig-Hoffman disease – practice having a functional body before he undergoes the first ever head transplant operation. The 31-year-old is in a wheelchair due to the muscle-wasting disease. This VR system, created by Inventum Bioengineering Technologies, will help Spiridonov adjust to his new life before the operation takes place. This is to try to reduce the psychological impact of having his head attached to someone else’s body. Nov 21, 2016
Paralysed ALS patient uses computer to speak with her mind

Paralysed ALS patient uses computer to speak with her mind

A woman with locked in syndrome as a result of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been able to speak again as a result of a brain implant that allows her to wirelessly transmit thoughts to a computer. The breakthrough means 58-year-old Hanneke de Bruijne can communicate with her family at home for the first time in at least a year. Nov 15, 2016
foreign tourist

Tourists caught in demonetisation mess

Indians travelling abroad and foreigners travelling to India for recreational or medical tourism were left holding a worthless paper in an alien land. Nov 13, 2016
Rats are ticklish just like humans

Rats are ticklish just like humans

Just like humans, rats are ticklish and can laugh when tickled. Scientists believe rats could therefore help us understand how the human brain reacts to being tickled. Monitoring the rodents’ brain activity while tickling them, they have shown that an area of the brain known as the somatosensory cortex, which is particularly sensitive to touch, is activated. Nov 11, 2016