Artist’s Impression Of Gas Giant WASP-107b

Artist’s Impression Of Gas Giant WASP-107b

The exoplanet WASP-107b is a gas giant, orbiting a highly active K-type main sequence star. The star is about 200 light-years from Earth. Using spectroscopy, scientists were able to find helium in the escaping atmosphere of the planet and amp;mdash; the first detection of this element in the atmosphere of an exoplanet. May 3, 2018
nasa, exoplanet, Jupiter, space,

Helium spotted in a comet like exoplanet for the first time

The planet is so close to its host star that the atmosphere is getting ripped off and pushed out, making it look like a comet with a long tail of gases pointing away from the star and it has helium in an excited state, making it possible to spot in the IR wavelength. May 3, 2018
Earth, Magnetic field,

No, the Earth's geomagnetic field is not going to flip, only weaken

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening and this has led scientists to speculate that the field is undergoing a complete reversal. However, previous extreme events and their patterns show that this time, the magnetic field will wobble, but recover without too much harm done. May 1, 2018