In the upcoming season of Adult Swim and Cartoon Network's animated series "Rick and Morty," things won't go well for Morty as Rick might accidentally amputate his legs.
In a recent four-minute mini-episode released by Adult Swim, show-runners Ryan Ridley, Justin Roiland, Dan Harmon and Spencer Grammer can be seen sitting side by side and improvising some of the acts from the upcoming episode, titled "Summer's Future."
In the episode, Summer is confused regarding which college she should choose after high school is over. She also ponders over the idea of selecting her majors. She asks her grandfather, Morty, to assist her in choosing between Harvard and Yale.
Meanwhile, Rick is busy trying his experiments on Morty's legs. He injects Morty with 120 cc of feces in his knees. Afterwards, when Summer is having an interview session with Harvard's dean of admissions, Rick suddenly arrives at the office through a time portal and announces that he successfully amputated Morty's legs.
The dean was about to ask Summer her grandfather's thoughts on knees and poop and coincidentally, Rick appears. Impressed, the dean awards a full scholarship to Summer while Morty enters the office with a jet-pack strapped in his limbs.
Ecumenical News has reported that contrary to the previous rumours, "Rick and Morty" Season 3 won't be aired in August but will premiere in the latter part of 2016, though the exact air date has not yet been confirmed.
As stated by Cinema Blend, Harmon said that the delay occurred because the team was working very carefully with all the episodes in order to make sure that fans are not disappointed with the new instalment.
"I watched the thumbnail animatic of Episode 304 and I was ready to move forward with it and Ryan [Ridley] said 'we're not satisfied with it' and we were already behind schedule. They have to bear the brunt of the schedule, they have to work weekends. They are the ones that wanted to do it. There's a weird higher calling there and it's not an endless perfectionism because you know when something finally clicks and you go 'this is a good episode of TV'," Harmon said.