Shaktikanata Das

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will soon release the new Rs 20 note which will be greenish yellow in colour. This news was released more than a month after Prime Minister Modi launched the new Rs 20 coin.

In a statement, the bank said, "All the banknotes in the denomination of Rs 20 issued by the RBI in the earlier series will continue to be legal tender."

It added, "The base colour of the note is Greenish Yellow. The note has other designs, geometric patterns aligning with the overall colour scheme, both at the obverse and reverse."

The new note will have Mahatma Gandhi's face on it along with an imprint of the Ellora caves paying tribute to India's cultural heritage. The new note will also bear the signature of RBI governor Shaktikanta Das. The note will measure 63 mm X 129 mm.

20 obverse

The obverse side will consist of the numeral 20 in Devnagari script along with the English numeral in the see-through register. Like any other note, the new note will contain the watermark of the electrotype of 20 and Mahatma Gandhi, the Ashok Pillar, as well as the Promise clause by the governor, the RBI's emblem and the guarantee clause which state that the person is promising to give the receiver Rs 20.

20 reverse

On the reverse side, the Ellora caves are printed on the right, taking a majority of the space. The words "20 rupees" are written in different scripts of Indian languages in the language panel. The Swachh Bharat logo with Mahatma Gandhi's spectacles with the words "Swacch Bharat" is written in the frames in Devnagari script with the image of the spectacles and its slogan, the words "Ek kadam Swachhta ki or" is written under it.

On the left side, the year of printing is present.