Remember Rajeev Khandelwal as Sujal in Kahin Toh Hoga, girls still drool over his boy next door charm and looks. He has not just restricted himself to a romantic role but also has been a part of projects, which shed his stereotype image in films like Shaitaan, Aamir, Table No 21, and so on. After success in films and TV, he is enjoying the webspace. This month, three of his films were released on the web -- Heartbeat, Ateet, and Court Martial. Each web film has a different story to tell, and every role demanded a new portrayal of Rajeev's acting calibre. 

In an exclusive conversation with International Business Times, India Rajeev spills the beans on his acting and producing his latest web film 'Heartbeat'. Rajeev also spoke about how he is coping up with the lockdown.

Edited excerpts from his interview:

Rajeev Khandelwal

On his web film Heartbeat

Heartbeat is a special film for me both professionally and personally as I have produced it. The film deals with euthanasia emotionally. As I recently lost my mother and I know how painful it is to lose someone so special and dear, therefore this subject is close to my heart.

Rajeev Khandelwal

On being a romantic hero!

(Laughs)  Well, that's a perception, yes I have played romantic roles. But if you see there are some films and shows wherein I have not just romance. I didn't start my Bollywood career with a romantic film. My first film was Aamir which wasn't a love story, but people loved me in that and accepted me in an all-new avatar.

His heart rules his mind...

Yes, I make decisions from my heart. I don't know if it is right o wrong. But if my heart says let's go with it. I simply go with it.  Sometimes i know things won't work, I am okay with it, it's my decision and I stand by that.  I didn't start my Bollywood career with a romantic film, I read the script of Aamir and I decided to do it.

If he is romantic in real life,

Romance is a huge term. I can't say whether I am romantic or not, you should ask my wife or my ex.

 For the love of his fans 

I have never been a very social person. A lot of people kept saying I should join the rat race of social media. I never really felt the need to join social media, I am thankful that my fans always waited for me and showed unconditional love. During the lockdown, I had no other way to get in touch with them so to talk about my work and fans I decided to come on social media. you must have noticed I don't keep on posting every now and then, very limited stuff I post which are work-related.

On how he is spending his lockdown days!

I am far away from the hustle-bustle of Mumbai, I am in Goa. I am adhering all the rules laid by the government. In fact, here we have our homegrown vegetables which are organic. The weather and atmosphere is quite pleasant here.

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On his plans after the lockdown ends

I will head to Mumbai, meet my in-laws and if everything is fine I will fly down to Delhi to meet my dad.