PUBG Mobile is all the rage in the gaming industry, but people who are not an active part of the gaming fraternity are well aware of the popular battle royale game. On one hand, PUBG Mobile's success is setting examples of how mobile games should be, while on the other, it is the centre of serious controversies. To balance those scales, PUBG Mobile has taken a step to teach players about responsible gaming through in-game notification.

When PUBG Mobile players log in to the game, a detailed pop-up notification appears before reaching the lobby. As tempted as one might be to ignore it, we suggest you give it a quick read-through as it shouldn't take more than two minutes of your time.

The in-game notification with the title "Healthy Gaming Practices" extensively talks about how PUBG Mobile players must play the game responsibly. The move comes only after a series of incidents such as people getting admitted in hospitals for gaming addiction, taking their own lives, or even abandoning families over game feuds.

Due to PUBG Mobile's negative impact on students' grades, government bodies in various cities banned the game, which appears to have been lifted. But during the ban, cops arrested several individuals for violating a commissioner order under IPC Section 188. PUBG Mobile had also introduced a 6-hour playtime restriction in India, which was removed following a backlash from the gaming community.

PUBG Mobile best practices
PUBG Mobile best practicesIBTimes India/Sami Khan

In continued efforts to turn the tables around and fend off controversies in India, PUBG Mobile has an important reminder for all of its players that will only benefit them practice healthy gaming. Take a look at the top tips PUBG Mobile has for you, and some of them are as basic as reminding players to blink, take breaks and drink water.

Sitting position

Most of us play games while sitting and PUBG Mobile is no different. While the upright position is ideal for those sitting for long hours, PUBG Mobile suggests otherwise. It is suggested that players take a laid-back posture, leaning back 120-135 degrees, have relaxed shoulders, feet flat on the ground and the phone screen at an eye-level for a stress-free gaming experience.

Stay hydrated

Physical activities like sports usually require you to stay hydrated, but PUBG Mobile players would know that gaming for long hours can be exhausting. PUBG Mobile suggests you keep a bottle of water while playing and take sips at regular intervals. This negates fatigue, headaches and dizziness while keeping your mind and body refreshed.

Water, drinking water
PUBG MObile players must stay hydratedANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT/AFP/Getty Images


It may sound surprising, but it is natural for gamers to be so engrossed in the gameplay that they would forget to blink. As a result, the eyes take a huge strain, get dry and result in itchy eyeballs, blurry vision, exhaustion and even irritation. So as natural as it may be, make sure you blink.

Lighting is everything

If you prefer a dark room with high brightness on your smartphone while playing PUBG Mobile, stop the practice. Make sure the light in your room matches that of the brightness on your phone screen. Preferably use incandescent or halogen lighting instead of fluorescent bulbs and find the right brightness level on your phone that is not too dim or bright.

France Festival of Lights
Choose incandescent or halogen lighting while playing PUBG MobileReuters

Take breaks

Time flies when you are engrossed in an intense match with your buddies. But make sure you take a walk, or even go pee, after a game in order to make sure the blood circulation is in check. Ideally, you would be required to take a break from the game every 45 minutes.

With these simple tricks, one can enjoy PUBG Mobile to the fullest and also maintain a healthy body and mind. At the end of the day, it's just a game and we suggest players treat it that way. Do not disconnect yourself from the world completely. Talk to your friends, family, teachers and peers, play in the physical world or hit the gym, strike a balance between the virtual and real world and game responsibly.