"Pokemon Go" the AR mobile game from Niantic and The Pokemon Company has triggered a global hysteria. Since its initial release in the U.S., it has been rolled out in 34 other countries. More countries are in the pipeline for the release of the game.
After capturing Pokemon, players have to take them to gyms or while levelling up. CP or Combat Power enables players to decide which Pokemon to keep and which to give away.
We now know that there are about 151 Pokemon in the game. Each Pokemon varies in CP. CP is the damage of the Pokemon that is caught.
Reddit Pokemon Go Forum has leaked the maximum CP that players will use to power up their Pokemon. Here is the full list of the maximum CP of all the 151 Pokemon:
- Bulbasaur - 1071
- Ivysaur - 1632
- Venusaur - 2580
- Charmander - 955
- Charmeleon - 1557
- Charizard - 2602
- Squirtle - 1008
- Wartortle - 1582
- Blastoise - 2542
- Caterpie - 443
- Metapod - 447
- Butterfree - 1454
- Weedle - 449
- Kakuna - 485
- Beedrill - 1439
- Pidgey - 679
- Pidgeotto - 1223
- Pidgeot - 2091
- Rattata - 581
- Raticate - 1444
- Spearow - 686
- Fearow - 1746
- Ekans - 824
- Arbok - 1767
- Pikachu - 887
- Raichu - 2028
- Sandshrew - 798
- Sandslash - 1810
- Nidoran - 876
- Nidorina - 1404
- Nidoqueen - 2485
- Nidoran - 843
- Nidorino - 1372
- Nidoking - 2475
- Clefairy - 1200
- Clefable - 2397
- Vulpix - 831
- Ninetales - 2188
- Jigglypuff - 917
- Wigglytuff - 2177
- Zubat - 642
- Golbat - 1921
- Oddish - 1148
- Gloom - 1689
- Vileplume - 2492
- Paras - 916
- Parasect - 1747
- Venonat - 1029
- Venomoth - 1890
- Diglett - 456
- Dugtrio - 1168
- Meowth - 756
- Persian - 1631
- Psyduck - 1109
- Golduck - 2386
- Mankey - 878
- Primeape - 1864
- Growlithe - 1335
- Arcanine - 2983
- Poliwag - 795
- Poliwhirl - 1340
- Poliwrath - 2505
- Abra - 600
- Kadabra - 1131
- Alakazam - 1813
- Machop - 1089
- Machoke - 1760
- Machamp - 2594
- Bellsprout - 1117
- Weepinbell - 1723
- Victreebel - 2530
- Tentacool - 905
- Tentacruel - 2220
- Geodude - 849
- Graveler - 1433
- Golem - 2303
- Ponyta - 1516
- Rapidash - 2199
- Slowpoke - 1218
- Slowbro - 2597
- Magnemite - 890
- Magneton - 1879
- Farfetch'd - 1263
- Doduo - 855
- Dodrio - 1836
- Seel - 1107
- Dewgong - 2145
- Grimer - 1284
- Muk - 2602
- Shellder - 822
- Cloyster - 2052
- Gastly - 804
- Haunter - 1380
- Gengar - 2078
- Onix - 857
- Drowzee - 1075
- Hypno - 2184
- Krabby - 792
- Kingler - 1823
- Voltorb - 839
- Electrode - 1646
- Exeggcute - 1099
- Exeggutor - 2955
- Cubone - 1006
- Marowak - 1656
- Hitmonlee - 1492
- Hitmonchan - 1516
- Lickitung - 1626
- Koffing - 1151
- Weezing - 2250
- Rhyhorn - 1182
- Rhydon - 2243
- Chansey - 675
- Tangela - 1739
- Kangaskhan - 2043
- Horsea - 764
- Seadra - 1713
- Goldeen - 955
- Seaking - 2043
- Staryu - 937
- Starmie - 2182
- Mr. Mime - 1494
- Scyther - 2073
- Jynx - 1716
- Electabuzz - 2119
- Magmar - 2265
- Pinsir - 2121
- Tauros - 1844
- Magikarp - 262
- Gyarados - 2688
- Lapras - 2980
- Ditto - 919
- Eevee - 1077
- Vaporeon - 2816
- Jolteon - 2140
- Flareon - 2643
- Porygon - 1691
- Omanyte - 1119
- Omastar - 2233
- Kabuto - 1104
- Kabutops - 2130
- Aerodactyl - 2165
- Snorlax - 3112
- Articuno - 2978
- Zapdos - 3114
- Moltres - 3240
- Dratini - 983
- Dragonair - 1485
- Dragonite - 3500
- Mewtwo - 4144
- Mew - 3299
"Pokemon Go" is currently available in 35 countries including the U.S, Europe and Australia. The game has been downloaded over 30 million times. It is most likely that Japan will be the first Asian country to get the game and that could be followed by other Asian countries like India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.