1 of 1 Child Sex Ratio,Arunachal Pradesh,age group of 0-6,2011 Census,Haryana,Punjab,sex determination
Arunachal Pradesh emerged as the state with the highest child sex ratio--972 girls to 1,000 boys in the age group of 0-6--as per 2011 Census as compared to 964 in 2001, even as the national average fell to 918 from 927. Northern states Haryana (819 in 2001 to 834 in 2011), Punjab (798 to 846) and Delhi (868 to 871)--notorious for female foeticide--continued to be at the bottom of the table, but the situation improved slightly apparently due to strict action against sex determination. Jammu & Kashmir, on the other hand, saw a sharp fall to 862 from 941. Credit: KBK