1 of 5 Anil Kapoor,Mubarakan,Mubarakan actor,Mubarakan actor Anil Kapoor
The talented actor had taken good care of the whole crew of Mubarakan when the film was being shot. Also, Anil Kapoor made sure that despite his busy schedule, he attended the films special screening which was held for the cast and crew and met every member of the cast and crew personally.
2 of 5 Anil Kapoor,Mubarakan,Mubarakan actor,Mubarakan actor Anil Kapoor
He showed up on time and met everyone personally and thanked them for the entire support he received from them during the film. Anees Bazmee's directorial venture 'Mubarakan' hit the screen yesterday and took to no time to win the audience across quarters.
3 of 5 Anil Kapoor,Mubarakan,Mubarakan actor,Mubarakan actor Anil Kapoor
The film has been loved by one and all and is a treat for audiences.
4 of 5 Anil Kapoor,Mubarakan,Mubarakan actor,Mubarakan actor Anil Kapoor
'Mubarakan' thrives on pure clean comedy without any double meaning jokes or inappropriate scenes. The film stand cs out with its clean humor in the age of slapstick and adult comedies.
5 of 5 Anil Kapoor,Mubarakan,Mubarakan actor,Mubarakan actor Anil Kapoor
Directed by Anees Bazmee, Mubarakan is produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Murad Khetani & Ashwin Varde from Cine1 Studios is running successfully worldwide.