Circus Krone: The masters who can control the king of the jungle!

The 114-Year-Old Circus

January 4, 2019 10:33 IST
1 of 21 Circus Krone,German,Circus,Western Europe,Circus in Europe,Cirque d'hiver de Paris,Cirque d'hiver d'Amiens,Cirque Royal,lion taming,Martin Lacey Jr Credit: Hannes Magerstaedt/Getty Images Prev Next

The 114-Year-Old Circus

Krone is a 114-year-old German circus that is among the last few circuses left in Western Europe along with Cirque d'hiver de Paris, Cirque d'hiver d'Amiens and Cirque Royal. Circus Krone specializes in animal taming and has a wide range of wildlife, from lions to donkeys.