1 of 5 Asylum seekers stuck,Canadian legal limbo,President Donald Trump,Donald Trump,illegal migrants,refugee
Honduran migrants Raul Contreras, his mother Daysi Alas (C) and step-father Ananin Cruz attend a church service held in Spanish in Toronto. Thousands of people who fled to Canada to escape President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal migrants have become trapped in legal limbo because of an overburdened refugee system, struggling to find work, permanent housing or enroll their children in schools. Credit: Reuters
2 of 5 Asylum seekers stuck,Canadian legal limbo,President Donald Trump,Donald Trump,illegal migrants,refugee
Raul Contreras balances on the bars of an elevator at a long-stay hotel in Toronto. Refugee claims are taking longer to be completed than at any time in the past five years, according to previously unpublished Immigration and Refugee Board data provided to Reuters. Credit: Reuters
3 of 5 Asylum seekers stuck,Canadian legal limbo,President Donald Trump,Donald Trump,illegal migrants,refugee
Raul Contreras looks at job-seeking materials provided by the YMCA. Raul went to high school in North Carolina but needs to improve his grades in order to attend college. He has been told to contact the school system in early August again before they start the school year in order to take an assessment exam. Credit: Reuters
4 of 5 Asylum seekers stuck,Canadian legal limbo,President Donald Trump,Donald Trump,illegal migrants,refugee
Raul gives money to a subway entertainer while travelling to a church service. Raul, who spends his days at a local library or working out in the hotel gym, says he has been repeatedly rejected by landlords. "They just said that they didn't rent places to refugee claimants," he said. "(They) said that refugees don't have jobs and probably wouldn't pay." Credit: Reuters
5 of 5 Asylum seekers stuck,Canadian legal limbo,President Donald Trump,Donald Trump,illegal migrants,refugee
Raul shows a photo of his North Carolina high school graduation class. Credit: Reuters