1 of 5 Deepika Padukone,Deepika Padukone lesser known facts,Deepika Padukone unknown facts,Deepika Padukone sexiets woman,deepika padukone depression,Deepika Padukone break up,Deepika Padukone padmavati,Deepika Padukone parents,Deepika Padukone movies
1. Deepika openly spoke about her Break-up: Deepika Padukone is one of the few actresses who's lived life on her own terms. Not every celebrity spoke so openly about their relationship, but Deepika was the one to come out & speak. Though the relationship went kaput, Deepika didn't shy away from talking about it & carried the heartbreak with grace getting no negative energies into her life. Like every other girl Deepika too did things for the man she loved and expressed her feelings which is normal for any girl & was unapologetic & open about it even after things didn't work between them.
2 of 5 Deepika Padukone,Deepika Padukone lesser known facts,Deepika Padukone unknown facts,Deepika Padukone sexiets woman,deepika padukone depression,Deepika Padukone break up,Deepika Padukone padmavati,Deepika Padukone parents,Deepika Padukone movies
2. Deepika opened up about depression and put it on the map of India: Depression as a subject was considered a taboo is our country until some years ago, Deepika came out & spoke about her struggle with the same. Not only did she create awareness but also opened her foundation Live, Love, Laugh for people to come forward & take help. Deepika put Depression as a growing hazard in the map of Asia without shying away or thinking of the repercussion it could have on her image. She became the perfect example for people to embrace & treat mental illness.
3 of 5 Deepika Padukone,Deepika Padukone lesser known facts,Deepika Padukone unknown facts,Deepika Padukone sexiets woman,deepika padukone depression,Deepika Padukone break up,Deepika Padukone padmavati,Deepika Padukone parents,Deepika Padukone movies
3. Deepika visited Bangalore amidst Padmavati to help her parents shift: In innumerable Interviews, Deepika has mentioned how she still does her chores when she goes back home & how she's still the same with her family & friends and they have kept her grounded which she completely enjoys. We have even heard she took time out of her busy Padmavati schedule and flew to Bangalore to become a helping hand to her parents when they recently shifted to a newer place. Deepika has surely given every parent daughter goals as well as has proved to be the strength of the family when it comes to shouldering responsibilities.
4 of 5 Deepika Padukone,Deepika Padukone lesser known facts,Deepika Padukone unknown facts,Deepika Padukone sexiets woman,deepika padukone depression,Deepika Padukone break up,Deepika Padukone padmavati,Deepika Padukone parents,Deepika Padukone movies
4. Deepika handles her own bank accounts and paper work: We all know, Madam Padukone is a girl with intelligence & wit. She's earned her bread & better right since the age of 17 and has been independent ever since she's shifted base to the city of dreams, Mumbai. She loves organizing and handling her bank statements & accounts & sits with her CA to get a detailed understanding of everything. She's very particular & prompt when it comes to her pending paper works & is swift is completing all with thorough understanding.
5 of 5 Deepika Padukone,Deepika Padukone lesser known facts,Deepika Padukone unknown facts,Deepika Padukone sexiets woman,deepika padukone depression,Deepika Padukone break up,Deepika Padukone padmavati,Deepika Padukone parents,Deepika Padukone movies
5. Deepika at regular intervals lets her hair down & spends time with her childhood Friends: Even when she's got so much on her shoulders to do, Deepika makes sure once in a while she lets her hair down with her girlfriends. She's said to believe in having the perfect work-life balance & proves us the same by going out & partying with her girl gang once in a while. Like all of us, Dippy too has her girl gang back home in Bangalore & even after all these years she makes sure to be in touch with them & keep the bond intact undeterred by all the fame & power.