cat filter pakistan minister

During a media briefing, Pakistan's Information Minister Shaukat Yousafzai was left red-faced, as the conference was live-streamed on Facebook with a cat filter switched on by mistake. Other ministers who were sitting next to him also appeared with cat ears, whiskers, and rosy cheeks.

The filter was present for a few minutes before it disappeared but many people managed to take screenshots of the filters, download the video and post it on social media platforms.

In an interview with AFP, Yousafzai was asked about the incident and he light-heartedly said, "Let's not take everything so seriously."

The party spokesperson had issued a statement regarding the incident clarifying that the filter was not intentional and that a disciplinary committee had investigated the matter "first-hand", reports ABC. The statement also added that it was a "human error" by a party volunteer.

"Pakistan's Tehreek-e-Insaf social media team is deemed to be the pioneers of social media in Pakistan," a spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added, "All necessary actions have been taken to avoid such [an] incident in [the] future, with a great emphasis on [the] strict enforcement of [standard operating procedures] and protocol for live coverage by the ground teams."

Here are some of the best reactions:

cat filter tweet 5
cat filter tweet 14
cat filter tweet 3
cat filter tweet 2
cat filter tweet 1