Research shows how online games can help people with autism
Research shows how online games can help people with autismIANS

In a  study, researchers from the University of Plymouth in the UK have discovered that online games, particularly the popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons, can significantly enhance the social skills of individuals with autism. Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, often results in difficulties in social interaction and communication. However, this study, published in the journal Autism, suggests that these challenges can be alleviated through the strategic use of online gaming. The study involved eight individuals with autism who engaged in playing Dungeons and Dragons both in person and online over a period of six weeks. The game, which is centered around teamwork and imagination, was chosen as it contradicts common misconceptions about autism.

Dr. Gray Atherton, the lead author of the study and a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Plymouth, pointed out, There are many myths and misconceptions about autism, with some of the biggest suggesting that those with it aren't socially motivated, or don't have any imagination. Dungeons and Dragons goes against all that, centering around working together in a team, all of which takes place in a completely imaginary environment."

The participants, under the supervision of a game master, spent six weeks acting out situations in small groups. Following a brief introduction to the game, the researchers conducted one-on-one interviews with the participants to understand how their autism may have affected their experiences and whether or not playing the game had an effect on their lives. The results were enlightening. The participants reported that they often concealed or masked their autism symptoms. However, playing the game provided them with a welcoming atmosphere where they instantly felt a natural affinity with other players. They also believed that they could apply some of the characteristics of their new persona outside of the game, which changed how they felt about themselves.

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Participants reported that the game provided a welcoming atmosphere and helped them feel more comfortable with their autism symptomsIANS

Dr. Atherton further added, "Those taking part in our study saw the game as a breath of fresh air, a chance to take on a different persona and share experiences outside of an often-challenging reality. That sense of escapism made them feel incredibly comfortable, and many of them said they were now trying to apply aspects of it in their daily lives." This study is a significant step forward in understanding how technology and gaming can be used as tools to improve the social skills of individuals with autism. It also challenges the prevailing stereotypes about autism and opens up new avenues for therapeutic interventions.

Historically, there have been other instances where gaming has been used as a tool for social development. For instance, in the 1980s, a game called The Oregon Trail was used in schools to teach students about American history and improve their problem-solving skills. Similarly, in the early 2000s, a game called Civilization was used to teach students about world history and cultural development. These historical examples, along with the recent study on Dungeons and Dragons, highlight the potential of gaming as a powerful tool for social and cognitive development.