The popularity of Dragon Ball franchise has surged as Japan's production house Toei Animation airs "Dragon Ball Super," a TV anime show every Sunday on Fuji TV. Publisher Bandai Namco seems to be using the popularity of the franchise to its advantage as it teased a new game that is expected to be revealed on May 17.
The official Facebook page of Dragon Ball Z had a post that has excited many of its fans. "A new Dragon Ball project will unveil in 24 hours...Visit and tell us what you think in the comments!" said the post.
Currently, the publisher is running a countdown timer before its eventual reveal on the official website. Apart from countdown timer, the has images that constantly keep changing every few seconds. The images on the website include those from the franchise's anime, movies and game covers.
It is not yet clear what the publisher intends to reveal. Reports have suggested this could only be an announcement for the western countries for the upcoming Dragon Ball Fusions video game.
The name of the website itself suggests the publisher is hinting at some kind of time travel or teleportation, which Attack of the Fanboy believes will be a good sequel for "Dragon Ball Xenoverse."
We will have to wait and watch what the announcement would be. The countdown timer will end at 10:00a.m. ET on May 17.