
Global software giant Microsoft has launched a revamped version of Internet Explorer dubbed as Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) for Windows 7 Operating System.

Internet Explorer 10, the redesigned web browser first announced at the Windows 8 phone event, is not compatible with Windows's other operating systems like Vista and XP. The Microsoft although has gone to the next stage of web browsing with Windows 8, the company hopes that the users and web developers will download the updated version of IE on their Personal Computers (PC) and desktops which run on Windows 7.

IE 10 released Tuesday as a preview or test version is expected to give a smooth and fast web browsing experience to its users. Microsoft has sold more than 670 million licences for Widows 7 since 2009, as reported by The Associated Press.

The users with the older vesrions of  Windows browsers can update their systems to the latest IE 10 by downloading it and the desktops, laptops and tablet computers which use the Windows 8 platformis already upgraded with the Internet Explorer 10.

The redesigned IE 10 helps the user to get rid of the typical mode of browsing experience in which the users have to scroll down through the page to click the link. According to the reports the latest IE 10 does not require the users to scroll down rather the users can continue reading the next page just by swiping across.