ESPN's popular documentary series "30 for 30" aired Season 3 episode 8 on Sunday, March 13, 2016, and the episode took the viewers back to 2006 in North Carolina where a group of rich, White lacrosse players were accused of raping a stripper. While most TV critics have given the documentary an above-average rating, Pornhub star Mia Khalifa seemed to be completely bowled over by "Fantastic Lies."
As fans of Mia Khalifa would know, she is an avid sports fan, especially that of basketball and hockey. She repeatedly expressed her love for Golden State Warriors and Washington Wizards via social media.
The story of "Fantastic Lies" is as compelling as it was ten years ago, and it speaks the age-old story of how preconceived notions blind the public and act as an incentive to make the wrong judgement. This particular story is about the Duke University lacrosse players who were allegedly accused of gang-raping a woman who was performing for them at a private party.
Following the premiere of "30 for 30" Season 3 episode 8 on Sunday night, the Lebanese-American pornstar said the Duko lacrosse scandal-based episode would be one of the top five episodes from "30 for 30."