Masaba Gupta has been trending ever since she launched a sunscreen product. What's so unusual that made her trend, you might wonder! Well, as they say, its all in the name. It is the catchy name of the sunscreen product that has left social media divided. Masaba introduced the sunscreen and named it – Surya Namaskar. And needless to mention, social media was quick to jump the gun.

Masaba Gupta
Masaba GuptaSocial media

Masaba claps back

"Masaba launched a new sunscreen called Surya Namaskar LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," wrote one user. However, Masaba shot back at the Twitter user with a super clever response in no time. "Better coming from me than some international agency trying to use Indian names and make them exotic for international consumers. Also - it works. Works Wonders. It's a powerful formula. Send me your address in DM,sending it over to try :)," the Masaba Masaba actress responded.

Masaba Gupta
Masaba GuptaInstagram

Social media reactions

However, the funny comments kept on dropping. "Les Goras: we have a new sunscreen called ... 'sun salutation?!'" wrote one user. "how can you even manage to appropriate your own culture? masaba: hold my sunscreen," wrote another user. "No, an advertisement will come up for this while some Pandey, Kapoor, etc doin' Surya Namaskar," a social media user commented.

Masaba Gupta transformation
Masaba Gupta transformationInstagram

"Isn't that a bad name for sun 'screen'? Surya Namaskar kinda does the job of inviting the sun's rays to energise you.. While a sunscreen is a blocker between the rays and you," read one more comment.

On the other hand, there were many who couldn't stop raving over the clever naming of the product. "Because you have to wear sunscreen while doing suryanamaskar yo.. sun rays bad for skin yo.. sun screen important yo," wrote a social media user. "It's quite a witty name for the product. What's the problem," another social media user wrote.