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The phenomenon of death has been perplexing human beings for ages. According to medical experts, a human life will end when the brain stops functioning. 

However, spiritualists and religious believers strongly believe that life after death is real. According to them, a human soul will continue its journey to a different realm after the last breath. 

And now, a person named Jeff has shared his near-death experience testimonial, which has made several people believe that the afterlife is real. 

Jeff's incredible NDE experience

In his testimonial shared on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation website, Jeff claims to have floated in a bubble-like environment after a heart attack. 

Jeff also added that he saw some heavenly beings during these dying moments. 

"I have an implanted cardiac device and at the time I was prescribed a medication to control my afib. Sitting home alone, my heart went into vfib and I fell unconscious. The first shock of my device did not resuscitate me," said Jeff. 

He added: "I was floating in a large bubble environment, seeing light and dark at the same time. At that point I observed Beings approaching me. My device shocked me a second time and I was resuscitated. I was admitted to the hospital for 3 days of observation."

He revealed that the near-death experience moment was both pleasant and distressing. 

Is life after death real? 

Even though Jeff's testimonial has gone viral on social media platforms, medical experts strongly refute these claims.  

According to these medical experts, , the human brain will adopt a survival trick to combat the shortness of oxygen during dying moments, and it results in these visual hallucinations.

However, there are some experts who believe in the existence of life after death

Dr Bruce Greyson, professor emeritus in psychiatry at the University of Virginia, in an interview with Observer suggested that human beings have a non-physical part.

"I am convinced now, after doing this for 40, 50 years, that there is more to life than just our physical bodies. I recognize that there is a non-physical part of us. Is that spiritual? I'm not sure. Spirituality usually involves a search for something greater than yourself, for meaning and purpose in the universe. Well, I certainly have that," said Greyson.