Who doesn't know a thing or two about the Ashley Madison hacks. The hack was actually a sad one for a host of reasons, but it is sadder when you check out the kind of passwords that were obtained from it.
From "iloveDmywife20yearsago" to "Willdeletewhenbabysborn," here's a full list of all the funny and controversial passwords that were mined.
- ihatemywife
- framingmyshittyhusband
- hopingforfiorina
- ihaveaconditionwhereifidontemptymyballsinsomeoneelseswifeiwilldiein20daysplzhelp
- hopetheyhavedonkeysonthissite
- hed(pe)fan1
- mynameistigerwoods
- trying2spreadaids
- onlyhere4stuffmywifewontdoakabuttstuff
- womenareforcummingin
- imtryingtocatchmyhusbandonhere
- notmarriedjustlonely
- iloveDmywife
- iloveDmywife20yearsago
- imdownwithOPPanddownonmyluck
- doingthisinsteadofdiggingdeepandworkingoutmymaritalproblemsl
- ikeanadult
- ihaveahallpass
- ihaveahallpassforthisweek
- kindofinanopenrelationship
- maybeineedtorethinkmypriorities
- lookingforreallove
- itsjustaphase
- itsjust4now
- Likeshesnotonhere2
- Probsgoing2hell4this
- Not100%mor@L
- TheresnoIinCHEATERbutthereare2inBIGPENIS
- Willdeletewhenbabysborn
- Shoulddeletewhenbabysborn
- Butiprobablywontdeletewhenbabysborn
- Shes2pregnant4menow
- thisisntmyfault
- sum1ismakinmedothis
- Howisthisreallyhappeningxoxo
- eventhispasswordwants2fuckme
- thispasswordwants2suckmydick
- Sixtynine69696969
- hopethispassworddoesntleak
- probablythispasswordwontleak
- whatkindofwebsiteleakspasswordsanyways
- thisisagoodpassword
- lookedupgoodpasswordsonline
- goodguydoinggoodguystuffonlynobadstuffforthisguyimagoodguy
- ihopeigetsexfromthis
- mywifealwaystellsmeshes"tired"
- isharethispasswordwithmywife
- justadadwhowantssomestrange
- probablyabadideabutheregoesnothing
- tooafraidtojustaskoutdebrafromwork
- thisismysecondtimesigningupforthissite
- imworriedmydadischeatingonmymom
- safeword
- testaccount69
- isTHEashleymadisonavailabletofuck
- hopingfora21stcenturypinacoladasituation
- boyisdebgonnabesoreatme
- boyisdebgonnabesoreatme2
- whyonmymotherscomputer
- keepcalmandcheatondeborah
- MamaMiaMoltoMarioI'mCheatingOnMyWife!
- boyisdebgonnabesoreatme420
- bighairytitsaremyfavorite
- waitwhatamisaying
- ohbrotherigoofedupbadthistime
- FMLboyohboyiambeinganaughtyboy
- fidelio
- guilty4horny
- shamefulbutsexy
- interestedinsexortalkingyourchoice
- whohaveibecome?
- Itoldmywifethecomputerisbroken
- takethissecret2thegrave
- ThisIsJoeBidensAshleyMadisonAccount
- TinyDickCheaterManIHateMyselfSoMuch
- ILoveTraneTheBandAndAlsoCreedTheBand
- GonnaProbablyJustMasturbateAndGoToBedAndNotFollowThroughOnThisWholeCheatingThing29
But that's not all. If you thought these are saddest passwords you have ever seen, take a look at those sad security questions and answers.
What is the name of your first born?
My wife is barren.
What is your full name?
Anthony Weiner.
What is your youngest sister's middle name?
Having second thoughts, but going to cheat on my spouse anyway
What is the name of the place where your wedding reception was held?
F*** off
What was the name of your first pet?
Goldfish named Jizz. It was college.
What was the first concert you attended?
Gloria Gaynor
What is the first name of the person you first kissed?
I feel such shame
What is the name of your childhood best friend?
Ashley Madison. Hoping to reconnect!
Where did you and your wife meet?
Ashley Madison dot com
Very sad, indeed!
[Source: FunnyOrDie]