A new video has surfaced across social media showing a man suggesting a bizarre deal to a young woman tenant. He is seen offering her a "sex for rent" option.
The incident came to light when he was caught in a hidden camera telling the woman, an undercover journalist, that she should pay "650 pounds per month" as rent and later the deposit could be reduced for "alternative payments".
The unidentified man, who is a landlord in Cardiff, Wales, was caught on camera explaining what he meant as ''alternative payments' when he said: "I don't want to suggest anything that makes you run a mile but I want to help you out. I don't know if you have heard of a sort of friends with benefits sort of arrangement."
The man had advertised his house on Craigslist to get a new tenant.
The young woman, Sian Thomas, was a reporter who visited him at a restaurant as part of her TV show. When she asked him how many times he would want to have sex with her instead of paying rent, he replied that he wanted it "once a week".
He added: "If say for example we were going to go down the route of once a week, if we were going to do that then I wouldn't be interested in any rent from you at all."
The meeting was taped by ITV Wales news channels for a TV show called Ein Byd. However, soon after he found out about the "sting operation", he requested the programme not to show his face, and "expose him for a monster."
Here is the video:
In an email sent to ITV Wales, he wrote: "I should have trusted my gut and not done this. I'm such a fool, but this will ruin everything I have left everywhere."
He added "I have absolutely no intention of ever even considering doing this again, tonight has really given me a reality check and I'm ashamed of myself."
According to a poll conducted by YouGov in the UK, a staggering 250,000 women have said they have been asked for sexual favours instead of rent in the last five years.
The poll published in The Times (UK) said the numbers saw a huge rise as nearly 190,000 female tenants were asked for sexual favours in the last year itself.