Personifying the ultimate rags to riches tale, Karayatil Chandrakara Rajendran (KC for short), has consistently defied the odds. A staunch believer of the philosophy that there is a solution for every problem no matter how complex it may seem, KC's life's trajectory is a manifestation of this- it has soared from his early beginnings as a young but eager-to-learn apprentice to where he currently stands.
Things didn't come easy to him- one of the biggest challenges he has faced was moving to an unknown city and his journey to start earning a livelihood. He stumbled and faltered but remained resilient. He jumped many hurdles on his path and came face-to-face with harsh realities which molded him into a willful and earnest individual who believed in the power of truth. KC is a very proud Indian and a loyal supporter of the armed forces and its soldiers.
He attributes his successes to his undying will to succeed, to ride the metaphorical wave, and to work towards his goal by doing honest hard work. This eventually led him towards many successes and an illustrious career allowing him to settle into a relaxed planned early retirement. This was a decision that had been in the making for a while since his older partners took the step before him. Even today, he often reflects back on those times of struggle long gone, in search of lost connections, lessons gained, and settles down to finally savor the spoils those times have come to bring him.
A shipping professional, KC believes that his biggest achievement did not lie in his professional life but in his social skills and his children's upbringing. It's safe to say that KC considers his family to be a huge source of pride to him and their close bond is cemented by genuine concern and love. He lives a disciplined life, a result of his upbringing, and that discipline reflects in how he remains active now, too!
KC's post-retirement life isn't what you'd expect it to be like- he's always proven to be far from conventional. His days are filled with doing what he loves- gardening, golfing, reading, cooking and keeping fit. His close friends attest to the fact that he is quite the stickler when it comes to maintaining his physique too.
Luxuries infiltrate every aspect of his lifestyle, but he remains so firmly grounded as a result of his humble thought process. He understands that material possession is a short-lived joy, but there is an incomparable high which comes with connecting with fellow humans and understanding society. Friends and acquaintances describe KC as someone who treats people others may consider lower than him in such a respectful manner, sometimes even better than those above. Quite active when it comes to networking and socializing, KC Raju is a familiar face on the Bengaluru social scene too!
He lives by the mantra to feel, think, and do for everyone- however little possible too. As he pulls the shutter down, he reiterates the joys of new beginnings and toasts to the new normal. His current routine, living life to the fullest, definitely posts a strong case for those considering an early retirement!