Igor Stimac
Igor Stimac (Left) Representational Image (Right)YouTube/Pixabay

All India Football Federation has sacked Igor Stimac from the position of the national team's coach, while also alleging that the former Croatian defender used the help of astrologers to finalize the playing eleven. 

Stimac who had a five-year contract with the national side was dismissed after the team's defeat against Qatar in the World Cup qualifiers. 

Defeat to Qatar had ended India's dreams of reaching the third round of Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup and his contract was terminated last week.

AIFF lashes out at Stimac

In his final press conference, Stimac revealed that he had a very turbulent time coaching India's national side. 

According to Stimac, he even underwent heart surgery due to pressure, and added that he battled against people who tell lies and have vested interests. 

However, AIFF soon retaliated, and noted that the comments made by the former coach were not befitting of a professional who has served the organization for five years. 

"We have noted the comments made by Mr. Igor Stimac, former Head Coach of the National Team, to the media last week. Stimac's communication – apparently made with the sole intent of maligning the AIFF and showing its personnel in poor light – is not befitting of a professional who has served the organisation for over 5 years and was extended the full support of the AIFF during this period," said the football federation. 

It added: "This conduct has only reinforced the AIFF's belief that the right decision was made, with just cause, to terminate his contract and move forward in the interests of Indian football." 

The controversial use of astrologers

It was in 2023 that several reports claimed that Stimac used to seek the help of astrologers to finalize the playing eleven for football matches. 

However, at that time, Stimac denied these allegations. 

However, the football federation, in its latest statement, addressed these allegations. 

"The new AIFF leadership was shocked to note his dependence on an astrologer to determine player's call ups, team selections and took immediate necessary action to end the same. His selection of support staff had also gone unquestioned and was the subject of disquiet among many players," said AIFF in the statement. 

It added: "Despite all the support, the coach always sought to deflect blame and according to him everything and everyone else was wrong and responsible for any given situation except himself. This sentiment was also shared by various players who had brought their concerns regarding Stimac's coaching style and tactics to the attention of the AIFF on multiple occasions."