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The existence of aliens has been perplexing human beings for ages. Even though conspiracy theorists strongly believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, the scientific community has yet to make any discovery that confirms the presence of aliens. 

Amid these alien rumors, an Indian man has built a temple with an alien as its deity. 

Alien temple in Tamil Nadu

According to local media reports, this alien temple is located in Tamil Nadu. The temple was built by a man named Siddar, and it is considered the first of its kind in the nation. 

Reports reveal that the man is also offering special offerings to the alien entity in the temple. 

"Alien is the first deity created by Lord Shiva in the world and Aliens are the only god who can save the world from disaster as they have unlimited power," said Siddar. 

He also claimed that aliens are not hostile, and they are visiting the Earth to protect the human community. 

Siddar also noted that he decided to build the temple after communicating with aliens. 

"Aliens will not harm the world. They will not do any harm to people. They seek us only to do good. That is why I have built this temple," he added. 

Aliens already present on earth

Siddar claimed that aliens have already started visiting the earth, and from now, their Earthly approaches will be increased. 

"From now on, the arrival of aliens will be more frequent. Countries around the world are investigating aliens but often conceal their findings. Aliens will come in person and communicate with us; they are already visiting Earth," he said. 

Siddar also added that aliens will not be those little green men often depicted in Hollywood movies. 

According to him, extraterrestrials will be just like humans, and they have both male and female genders. 

"I've seen aliens in clairvoyance. They have come and talked twice. Don't let anyone think I'm crazy because I'm talking to an alien. Many people are researching about aliens. They tell many people about it, but no one believes it," he added.