India, US working to 'shape the future', write Blinken, Austin
India, US enter into Security of Supply ArrangementIANS

India and the US have signed a landmark Security of Supply Arrangement (SOSA), strengthening their defense partnership. This non-binding agreement allows both nations to access each other's industrial resources to mitigate supply chain disruptions and enhance national security capabilities.

The SOSA was signed on behalf of the US Department of Defense (DoD) by Vic Ramdass, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy, and on behalf of India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) by Samir Kumar Sinha, Additional Secretary and Director General (Acquisitions). This agreement is a testament to the growing defense ties between the two nations and is expected to significantly strengthen their defense cooperation.

Under the terms of the SOSA, the US and India have agreed to provide reciprocal priority support for goods and services that promote national defense. This means that both nations will prioritize each other's requests for procurement of critical national defense resources.

The US will provide India assurances under the US Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS), with program determinations by DoD and rating authorization by the Department of Commerce (DOC). In return, India will establish a government-industry Code of Conduct with its industrial base, where Indian firms will voluntarily agree to make every reasonable effort to provide the US priority support.

India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) by Samir Kumar Sinha
India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) by Samir Kumar SinhaIANS

The signing of the SOSA has been hailed as a pivotal moment in the US-India Major Defense Partner relationship. It is expected to be a key factor in strengthening the US-India Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI), a platform aimed at fostering collaboration in defense technology and trade between the two nations.

The SOSA is not just a bilateral agreement but also a strategic tool for the DoD to strengthen interoperability with US defense trade partners. The Arrangements institute working groups, establish communication mechanisms, streamline DoD processes, and proactively act to allay anticipated supply chain issues in peacetime, emergency, and armed conflict.

India US trade
SOSA allows both nations to acquire necessary industrial resources from each other for national security needsReuters

The signing of the SOSA has had a positive impact on the defense industry in India, with defense stocks gaining. This reflects market optimism about increased collaboration and potential for more secure supply chains, which could lead to new business opportunities and strengthened national security capabilities.

The SOSA agreement was signed in Washington DC, as part of Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh's visit to the United States. This visit was significant for enhancing defense cooperation between the two nations and included discussions on furthering the US-India Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI). The SOSA agreement is an important step forward in the defense partnership between India and the US. It not only strengthens the defense ties between the two nations but also provides a framework for future cooperation in the defense sector. The agreement is expected to have a positive impact on the defense industry in both countries and could lead to new business opportunities and strengthened national security capabilities.

SOSA agreement between India and the US is a significant milestone in their defense partnership. It not only strengthens their defense ties but also provides a framework for future cooperation in the defense sector. The agreement is expected to have a positive impact on the defense industry in both countries and could lead to new business opportunities and strengthened national security capabilities. The signing of the SOSA is a testament to the growing defense ties between the two nations and is expected to significantly strengthen their defense cooperation in the years to come.