Representational picture: A competitor makes sushi at the creative Sushi open competition during World Sushi Cup Japan 2017 in TokyoReuters

Warning: This story could kill your love for sushi, food or spoil your appetite in general.

If you love sushi so much, this story could serve you as a warning. A Californian man, who had eaten sushi, was taken to the hospital when he discovered a tapeworm 'wiggling out' of him during his visit to the toilet, Mail Online reported.

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The incident was brought to light by Dr Kenny Bahn on podcast This Won't Hurt A Bit. Revealing the horrifying tale, the doc said that the Californian resident arrived at the Community Regional Medical Center emergency room and requested that he be treated for worms.

According to the Dr Bahn, the unnamed patient arrived at the emergency room complaining of bloody diarrhoea. The patient apparently told him that a tapeworm "wiggled out" of him but Bahn wasn't too sure of his claim.

Proving that he wasn't lying, the patient handed him a toilet paper roll. "I take out a toilet paper roll, and wrapped around it of course is what looks like this giant, long tapeworm," he told during the podcast. On unwrapping the paper, the doctor measured the worm and was stunned by its length – 5-and-a-half feet, Bahn revealed.

The man told doctors that he thought his "guts were coming out." Apparently, when he began removing the worm, it began wiggling. Attempting to understand where he contracted the worm, the doctors asked him if he had been out of the country.

He denied it but added that he had just been eating raw salmon on almost every day. When he learned it was just a tapeworm, he was relieved and was provided necessary medication to help him.

Doctors have been warning people that people could be affected with the parasite through the consumption of raw pork, fish and fish eggs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned last February issued a warning that an increase in raw fish consumption has acted like a driving factor for a rise in tapeworm infections.

According to Live Strong, a huge tapeworm infestation could lead to a block in the intestines, bile duct, appendix or pancreatic duct.