"Hart of Dixie" season 4 episode 8 titled "61 Candles" will revolve around the romantic lives of its main characters, including Dr. Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson), Wade Kinsella (Wilson Bethel), Lemon Breeland (Jaime King), Lavon Hayes (Cress Williams), George Tucker (Scott Porter) and Annabeth Nass (Kaitlyn Black).
When The CW series returns, Lemon and Lavon might take the biggest decision of their lives as the latest trailer indicates that they may take their relationship forward and make an official announcement about it to the residents of Bluebell.
In the 20-second-long sneak peek, the couple willingly opens up about their relationship to Zoe and Wade and the doctor starts screaming with excitement.
In the meantime, George and Annabeth could face an unexpected twist in their romance after the former introduces the latter to his parents. As per the official synopsis of "61 Candles", the lawyer's parents are shocked by who he is dating and his new job.
On the other hand, Zoe gets sad when she realises she doesn't have an heirloom to pass down to their child, so Wade makes it his mission to find something from one of their pasts. Meanwhile, the doctor will make plans with Lemon for a girls' day, but things do not go as planned.
The upcoming episode of comedy drama will also focus on Dr. Bertram "Brick" Breeland (Tim Matheson), who will be disappointed with everyone after they forget his birthday. So Lavon and Wade invite him on a fishing excursion and he thinks he is being led to a surprise party.
The CW will air "Hart of Dixie" season 4 episode 8 titled "61 Candles" on Friday, 6 March, at 8pm.