Guilermo del Toro's Pinocchio has finally found its conscience. Reportedly, Ewan McGregor has confirmed that he has joined Netflix's upcoming Pinocchio movie.

Ewan McGregor will be playing Jiminy Cricket, the voice of reason and Pinocchio's conscience. Guilemo del Toro's film will apparently be a remake of the iconic 1940 film. And true to Guilermo form, this version of Pinocchio will be darker than previous iterations of the character.  

Ewan McGregor
Ewan McGregorEwan McGregor Official Twitter (@mcgregor_ewan)

The movie, which is set for release in 2021. Ewan shared: 'I'm playing Jiminy Cricket in Guillermo del Toro's version of Pinocchio. That I had started working on before I left for New York, so some of that is recorded.'

He added that since it was stop-motion animated, it was going to take them a great long time to make that film. But his first part, which is recording his dialogue, is sort of done. He went on to say that there may or may not be a song that was still to be recorded. He said that he wasn't sure that he was at liberty to discuss that. 

Guillermo del Toro
Guillermo del ToroGuillermo del Toro Official Twitter (@RealGDT)

According to Netflix, the idea for the film was first conceived in 2010 and will be based on the darker story of Pinocchio found in a 2002 book illustrated by Gris Grimly. A Guilermo del Toro Pinocchio movie with Ewan McGregor as Jiminy Cricket? Sign us up.