Simple blood test can predict 30-year heart disease risks for women
Simple blood test can predict 30-year heart disease risks for womenIANS

Scientists have developed a straightforward blood test capable of predicting a woman's risk for cardiovascular disease up to three decades in advance. This pioneering research, backed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US, discovered that the risk for cardiovascular disease in women can be predicted by measuring two types of fat in the bloodstream, along with C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation marker.

The study was spearheaded by Paul M Ridker, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston. The research team collected blood samples and medical information from 27,939 healthcare providers living in the US who participated in the Women's Health Study. These women, who began the study between 1992-1995 at an average age of 55, were monitored for 30 years. During this period, 3,662 study participants experienced a heart attack, stroke, surgery to restore circulation, or a cardiovascular-related death. The researchers assessed how high-sensitivity CRP, along with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) -- a lipid partly made of LDL -- singularly and collectively predicted these events.

Ridker emphasized the importance of the study, stating, "We can't treat what we don't measure, and we hope these findings move the field closer to identifying even earlier ways to detect and prevent heart disease." This statement underscores the significance of the study, as it provides a new tool for physicians to specifically target an individual's biologic problem. By measuring CRP, LDL cholesterol, and lipoprotein(a), doctors can tailor therapies to address the specific biomarker that is elevated, which may include lifestyle changes or medications, thereby potentially preventing heart disease more effectively.

Regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management reduce heart disease riskIANS

While the study only included women, the researchers expect to find similar results in men. Ahmed AK Hasan, programme director at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), said, "In recent years, we've learned more about how increased levels of inflammation can interact with lipids to compound cardiovascular disease risks. This helps explain why lower levels are often better." The researchers suggest regular physical activity, a heart-healthful diet, managing stress, avoiding tobacco, and quitting smoking to minimize heart disease risk. These lifestyle changes, along with the new blood test, could provide a comprehensive approach to heart disease prevention.

This development is a significant step forward in the field of cardiovascular disease prevention. It builds on historical efforts to identify and manage risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking. However, this is the first time that a simple blood test has been developed to predict long-term cardiovascular disease risk based on specific biomarkers.This new blood test represents a significant advancement in the field of cardiovascular disease prevention. It provides a tool for early detection and prevention of heart disease, potentially saving countless lives. As research continues, it is hoped that similar tests will be developed for other diseases, further enhancing our ability to predict and prevent serious health conditions.