Tamil superstar Vijay's forthcoming movie, The GOAT, has been provoking great curiosity as it nears release on September 5. The pre-release formalities of the Venkat Prabhu-directed movie have been completed and the film is about to hit theatres soon. Earlier, three songs were released but none went down well with fans or audience.

However, there has been a lot of excitement after announcing that Vijay will be seen along with Trisha in a new song. The director, Venkat Prabhu has confirmed this and said that the track will be out just days prior to the movie premiere which is aimed at giving fans "a big punch" to keep them hyping up for it.

GOAT Trisha

After all previous tracks failed to generate the enthusiasm they were expected to; the production team puts great expectations on this particular song considering how critical it needs to make up for lost time. Equally, fans are dying for this song because they want Vijay's dance movements to explode in a way promotional materials have not done yet during the film's campaign.

GOAT vijay trisha

Vijay's fans are particularly excited about The GOAT because it is said to be one of the last action-packed extravaganzas he will be doing before moving on to his next project with director H. Vinoth. Similarly, The upcoming film with Vinoth is rumoured to revolve around a social issue, which veers away from high voltage action The GOAT has promised.

All eyes are getting glued on this special song as the release date approaches and its potential for driving it up or down in terms of numbers. Fans and audiences alike cannot wait for the 5th of September when they shall finally witness what The GOAT has for them.