One of the most popular shows in the history of television, "Game of Thrones", aired the first episode of the much-awaited Season 5 on Sunday, 12 April.
However, fans who love "torrenting" the show got the better end of the bargain as the first four episodes of the new season were available for download.
DVD quality versions of the first four episodes -- "The Wars to Come", "The House of Black and White", "High Sparrow" and "The Sons of the Harpy" -- are all available for download, much ahead of their scheduled air dates. According to Torrent Freak, the first four episodes of season 5 were sent out to the press for review on a DVD screener and the leak has been traced to one of those screeners.
However, the watermark on the videos have been blurred and although the videos were first seen on the private torrent tracker IPT, there are now available in all popular torrent download sites.
HBO faces a huge setback with the leak; especially since the show runners has planned worldwide premiere to avoid piracy. "Game of Thrones" being the most popular show of all time, holds the record for also being the most pirated show of all times.