Thousands of Moroccans and people around the world are waiting with bated breath as rescuers in northern Morocco race against time to save a five-year-old boy, who has been trapped inside a 105-feet well for three days. The young boy fell into the well and has been stuck since Tuesday evening. Efforts are underway to rescue the boy, meanwhile essentials have been sent down using a rope.

"I pray and beg God that he comes out of that well alive and safe," his mother, Wassima Kharchich, told local television 2M. "Please God, ease my pain and his, in that hole of dust."

Five-year-old Moroccan boy stuck in 105ft-deep well for 3 days; rescue efforts underway [details]

Father of five-year-old Rayan was looking for his son for several hours on Tuesday, only to realise he had been fallen into the well, according to a local report.

What rescue efforts are being made?

Rescue workers are working tirelessly to bring the young boy to safety. On Thursday, rescue workers sent down oxygen and water using a rope. They were able to get a response from Rayan, giving them a sigh of relief. According to the kingdom's official MAP news agency, a CCTV camera was sent down the narrow hole to monitor Rayan's wellbeing as they haven't been able to reach the hole physically where he is trapped. The diameter of the well is less than 45 centimetres, according to lead rescuer Abdelhabi Termini, Al-Jazeera reported.

Five-year-old Moroccan boy stuck in 105ft-deep well for 3 days; rescue efforts underway [details]
via Twitter/Lubna Qassim

Meanwhile, the rescuers are digging a hole parallel to the well, so they can safely rescue the boy without causing any harm. Government spokesperson Mustapha Baytas said on Thursday that the government has been closely monitoring the developments and exploring different ways to help the child. A police helicopter is on standby as well as a medical team is ready on the site in case of medical assistance.

Social media is abuzz with messages of support and sympathy. Hashtag #SaveRayan is trending in Morocco and across Northern Africa, which has also brought global attention to the rescue efforts.