
Last year in December, the deaths of three Kashmir civilians after they were picked up by the Indian army following a deadly rebel attack, hit the world headlines. While the Valley has battled conflict and terror for generations now, alongside it has also been a silent victim of controversies and fake news and propaganda. Recently, fake news found its way on social media that, "Indian Forces martyred 12 Kashmiris in June 2024 including 5 fake encounters." There have also been false claims that 26 were injured in protests.

The claim: Indian Forces martyred 12 Kashmiris in June

The fake news and false claims, allegedly, are being circulated by Pakistan-based propaganda accounts, according to a social media page, which is an initiative to counter disinformation and propaganda on Kashmir.

Fact-check: No, Indian Forces did not martyr 12 Kashmiris in June

To clear the air, social media account Counter Disinformation Centre (a J&K Counter Disinformation Centre) took to X to share what happened in Kashmir in June 2024? "Not a single civilian was killed due to security forces' firing or any kind of law and order problem nor did any anti-government protest occur in Kashmir in 2024."

The post continues to inform that however, six terrorists were killed in Kashmir in the month of June 2024 in different encounters. "Two terrorists were killed in Nehama Pulwama on 3 June. One terrorist was killed in an encounter with security forces in Aragam Bandipora on 17 June. Two Pakistani-origin terrorists were killed in Hadipora area of Sopore Baramulla on 19th June. One terrorist was killed in an anti-infiltration operation in Uri Baramulla on 23 June."

The thread further says that, "Therefore, the claim by propaganda accounts is Fake and Fabricated and propaganda stands uncovered." In 2019, when communication in the Valley was severed, the developments became a fertile ground for fake propagandas being peddled. Back then, while unverified news claimed that a live encounter was going on in Kashmir, others alleged that the Central Government had taken custody of the Valley's mosques.

In many cases, the unverified messages did the damage before their circulation could be checked.
