alien UFO
NASA doesn't know if aliens exist.Creative Commons

It was on April 6, 1966 that more than 300 children and school staff at a Melbourne High School witnessed multiple unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering across the skies in broad daylight. Even now, the mysteries surrounding Australia's largest mass UFO sighting remain a puzzle. However, a new audio recording between American physicist James E McDonald and a science teacher at the school has finally shed light on the incidents which happened on that day.

During the talk, Andrew Greenwood, the science teacher at the Westall school revealed that it was a hysterical child who initially informed about the UFO in the skies.

"Greenwood told me the UFO was first brought to his attention by a hysterical child who ran into his classroom and told him there's a flying saucer outside. He thought this child had become deranged or something so he didn't take any notice, but when the child insisted that this object was in the sky he decided to go out and have a look for himself," said James E McDonald in the video.

When Greenwood went out of the classroom, he saw many children gazing at the skies. Greenwood also claims to have a round, silver UFO about the size of a car with a metal rod sticking up in the air hovering across the skies.

As per Greenwood, more than five planes started chasing the bizarre flying object on the skies.

"The planes were doing everything possible to approach the object and he said how they all avoided collision he will never know. Every time they got too close to the object it would slowly accelerate, then rapidly accelerate and then move away from them and stop. Then they would take off after it again and the same thing would happen," added McDonald, reports.

After about 20 minutes of cat and mouse game, the UFO vanished into thin air abruptly. Soon, the headmaster came to the ground and ordered everyone to go back to the classroom. The Headmaster also insisted everyone not to speak about the eerie sighting while inside the school premises.

The Headmaster warned that students will get severe punishment and school staff will be fired from their jobs if they talk about the UFO sighting.

After the incident, many people including students claimed that some men wearing black coats, possibly Men in Black had paid visits to their homes to inquire about the incident.