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In a big success, security forces on Monday eliminated two terrorists, including a self-styled commander of the proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) Riyaz Ahmad Dar, in an encounter in south Kashmir's Pulwama district.

Dar and his associate were killed in a fierce gunbattle in the Nihama area of the Pulwama district of south Kashmir, where they were trapped in a building.

On Monday morning, a joint team of Jammu and Kashmir Police, the Army, and paramilitary forces cordoned off Pulwama's Nehama village after specific inputs about the presence of terrorists, including Riyaz Dar, in the village.

As the joint team zeroed in on its target, the hiding terrorists opened fire and tried to break the security cordon, reports said, adding that the joint team then fired back, leading to a fierce gunbattle.

Kulgam encounter
J&K Police

As the intermittent exchange of fire continued for some time, two houses caught fire as the security forces used heavy weapons to target the terror hideout.

Bodies of two terrorists recovered after the encounter

After an hour-long, fierce encounter, three bodies of terrorists were recovered from the encounter site. Later, the identities of both terrorists were established as Riyaz Ahmad Dar and Rayees – both residents of Pulwama.

The encounter site has been cordoned off by the security forces and a search has been started.

Riyaz Dar was the longest-surviving terrorist

Riyaz Ahmad Dar, alias Khaleed, joined the terror ranks in September 2015 and has escaped security cordons several times in the past.

In his mid-thirties, Riyaz was a dreaded terrorist of the LeT outfit. He was active in the Pulwama district and adjoining areas. His killing was a severe setback to the LeT outfit in south Kashmir. Rayees joined the terror outfit in 2021.