"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" is an upcoming fighting video game that is the sequel of the popular "Dragon Ball Xenoverse." Developer Dimps is handling game development with publisher Bandai Namco.
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is shaping up to be the biggest and best Dragon Ball video game experience to date. Both the contribution of DJ Steve Aoki's musical talents and his in-game likeness will add a fun new dimension to the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 experience that fans will appreciate," said Eric Hartness, vice president of Marketing at Bandai Namco Entertainment America, reported Attack of the Fanboy.
Here is what's new in the game
The game promises to be more polished that its previous avatar. Players will see increased frame rate, deeper customisation and smoother online experience. The game is expected to feature a new protagonist as well.
Players would be able to import Time Patroller into "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2," along with clothing and attacks.They will also be able to explore Frieza's spaceship.
Players would be able to change history of "Dragon Ball" in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2." The game will feature a huge hub city that is expected to be seven times larger than its predecessor.
The events in the upcoming game are taking place two years after the events of "Dragon Ball Xenoverse." The course of history changes with the appearance of Turles and Cooler on Planet Namek.
The main villains in the game hire other famous Dragon Ball villains to do their dirty work. It has been speculated that the story will feature several characters including that of Elder Guru, the oldest and wisest Namekian.
Missions include infiltrating Frieza's army and others.
Super Saiyan 3
The trailer has revealed the character transforming into the Super Saiyan 3.
DJ Steve Aoki, popular electro house musician and Grammy nominated DJ who has collaborated with several popular musicians, is expected to contribute music to the game. He also gets to be a non-playable character found in Conton hub city. He is expected to remix classic Dragon Ball Z songs.
"Having grown up with Dragon Ball , I jumped at the chance to contribute my talents and leave my personal impact on the series" said Aoki in a press release.
Release Date
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" is expected to be released on Oct. 25 for PS4 and Xbox One. It will release on Oct. 28 for PC.