"Dragon Ball Super," the popular anime TV show from Toei Animation that is aired on the Japanese Fuji TV, will soon get an English dubbed version for select Asian countries.
Toonami Asia took to Twitter to answer a fan question. It revealed that the show's English version could be released around July/August 2016.
The company did not give out any other detail. However, we know (via Toonami Asia) that "Dragon Ball Super" will debut in Southeast Asia and India mid-2016.
"This announcement is huge for fanboys and girls in Asia. Dragon Ball is undoubtedly the original and world's biggest anime export, and is a cornerstone of our programming on Toonami," said Mark Eyers, chief content officer for Turner's Kids Networks in Asia Pacific, in the press release.
Perhaps the U.S. and European countries have to wait longer to watch it on their TV sets. Moreover, the company has not released details about English dubbing, but Attack of the Fanboy noted that the English dubbed version could be provided by another company.
Currently, the Japanese "Dragon Ball Super" has finished 35 episodes of the TV series.